Yessire that's some nice stuff you have there. It's very funny (I think the best part was the matricks :D, veeeery funny indeed) and entertaining movie. The only drawback I've seen is, that some parts of it are just slow. What I mean? well, per example when Link breacks the 3rd stone, he veeeeery slowly looks up to the fairy and smiles for a loooong time, there are just some places where I wished (c'mon I know what's going to happen, be faster you son of a movie). And another drawback is the fairy...nono, you got me wrong, the drawback is that we see TOO FEW from her, if ya know what I mean ;). Instead of link macking streeptease (which was veeeeeery funny indeed) you could have made also the fairy streep...YES I'M A PERVERT! Otherwise great :D